Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions!
During each dance season, students work on a choreographed dance, which will be performed in the year-end Recital. Students enjoy a great sense of pride and accomplishment through hard work and dedication. our goal is to see each student improve his or her performance and technical skills throughout the year. A successful performance requires both attendance and commitment to dance classes therefore we ask that students attend their classes regularly.
Re-enforcing the work each week goes along way to increasing the student's self-esteem.
Student's missing 4 or more consecutive classes (without just cause) may, at the discretion of the teacher, be excluded from the year-end performance. Please remember dancing is a team effort, no different than any other sport and we all rely on each other to be here. Please contact the student if your child will be absent from class.
Dance Attire
At the time of registration, students will receive a detailed guideline outlining the dance attire, footwear, and appearance required for dance class. As in every activity that we participate in, the appropriate dress code is implemented for a reason. For dancing, wearing proper dance wear to class allows for ease of movement, as well as, providing the teacher with the ability to detect and correct any physical problems students may have with their body alignment. We suggest articles of clothing and shoes are labeled with the student's name, in order to minimize lost items.
We look forward to creating a positive atmosphere for all students attending the studio. It is our responsibility to show appropriate and respectful behavior towards the students and in turn, we feel, the students should be respectful and show appropriate behavior towards all teachers and reception staff while on the premises. If any problems occur, parents will be contacted and a solution will be discussed.
Children At Risk
At the dance studio we often have children attending classes who are dealing with serious illnesses such as leukemia. We ask that you CONTACT the studio immediately if any of your children come down with chickenpox, measles, or other contagious diseases. We need to inform the parents of these children about the possibility of contact. In particular, chickenpox and measles can be life threatening for these children and the sooner the parents have this information the better.
Payments & Refunds
Payment, Cancellation & Refund Policies
In order to secure your child's placement in class, the registration fee and costume deposit is required at the time of registration. Once the student's placement in class is confirmed, a void cheque is needed and our pre-authorized debit form must be filled out before classes are begun.
Service charges of $10.00 per month will be applied to all outstanding fees. If accounts fall 60 days into arrears, dance services will be denied until the account is brought up to date. This includes pre-authorized payments returned to us by the bank. N.S.F. fees will be $25.00.
Cancellation and Refund of Dance Classes:
Cancellation of Classes must be received in writing via email to , with a full month's notice as of the 1st of each month. Telephone cancellations will not be considered valid. An administration fee of $10 will be withheld from the costume deposit per class and effective May 31st of each year, dance fees are non-refundable.
Costume Deposit Payment:
For the June recital, students will require a costume for their performance on stage.
A costume deposit of $65 per class, $80 per competition class is collected at the time of registration. This money is used to provide for a portion of the costume. The costumes will either be purchased or sewn by seamstresses, with the balance being due at the time of completion. Costumes will not be handed out until the final balance is paid.
Recreational Costume Deposits will not be refunded as of November 1st each season.
Competitive Costume Deposits will not be refunded after the start of classes each season.
Costume Deposit Refund:
Students withdrawing permanently from class from September through to November 1st of each year will receive a $55 costume refund. Ten dollars of the costume deposit will be withheld, per class, upon cancellation for administrative fees. After November 1st, costume deposits will not be refunded.
Costumes completed at time of cancellation must be paid for in full.